Planned Giving: Build a Legacy of Care
Including CASA of San Mateo County in your estate planning is one of the most effective ways to make a lasting impact on the lives of young people navigating the foster care and juvenile justice systems. Your gift will strengthen CASA’s long-term sustainability and ensure we can continue to support youth for years to come.
Planned gifts offer many benefits to you and your loved ones, including tax savings, flexibility, and the satisfaction of leaving a legacy of care for foster youth.
If CASA of San Mateo County is already included in your estate plans, please let us know. We would love to thank you for your generosity and acknowledge your gift in accordance with your wishes.
Our Tax ID# is 04-3849393. This organization is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, IRS Section 170(b)(2)(iii) for both federal and state tax purposes.
Making a bequest from a will or trust is one of the most common forms of planning giving. To include CASA in your will or trust, you may specify that a certain dollar amount, percentage of your estate, or other assets will be donated to CASA to support our mission. Making a bequest to CASA may reduce potential estate taxes and/or the income tax loved ones may have to pay on their inheritance.
Percentage bequests are the most flexible as they allow your gift to appreciate in your will, no matter what asset is used. A specific bequest allows you to designate a set amount or specific asset to be gifted to CASA. A residual bequest allows you to donate the remainder of your estate to CASA after providing for your loved ones.
Below, we have included sample language you may include in your will or trust. We always recommend that you discuss any changes to your will or trust with an estate attorney and/or financial advisor.
To gift a percentage: “I give to CASA of San Mateo County, a nonprofit corporation of the State of California, Tax ID #04-3849393, __% of my estate. “
To gift a specific amount: “I give to CASA of San Mateo County, a nonprofit corporation of the State of California, Tax ID #04-3849393, the sum of $______.”
To gift residual assets: “I give to CASA of San Mateo County, a nonprofit corporation of the State of California, Tax ID #04-3849393, all the residue of my estate.”
Donating Retirement Funds and Insurance Policies
Many donors choose to make planned gifts from their retirement accounts to avoid significant tax penalties for their heirs. Additionally, these gifts are easy to set up because they do not require changing an existing will or trust. You can make a lasting difference for children we serve simply by naming CASA of San Mateo County as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary on your retirement account. Please consult with your attorney and/or financial advisor about the implications of making this type of gift.
You can also make an impact by naming CASA of San Mateo County as beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your life insurance policy. This requires that you complete a change of beneficiary form with your insurance company.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable remainder trust allows you to transfer assets to a trust that pays you income during your lifetime. The remainder goes to a charity such as CASA of San Mateo County. This allows you to avoid capital gains tax on the sale of your appreciated assets. Charitable annuity trusts and charitable lead trusts offer similar benefits. Please consult Please consult with your attorney and/or financial advisor to determine whether this is the right choice for you.
This information is educational and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Please consult with your attorney and/or financial advisor for their professional advice.
If you have any questions about planned giving or would like to discuss making a gift, we would love to talk with you! Please reach out to Leila Watkins, Director of Development, at leila@casaofsanmateo.org